Here is a list of all of the subjects I have taken notes on since the first day of school last fall. I currently have over fifteen "booklets" composed of this information. Let this offer stand into the distant future (and I may someday regret it): if any of my current classmates or any students of Mr. Harrelson in the future would like help or in depth information on any of these subject areas I would be happy to help:
Physical Science
-Dot diagram
-Electrons needed to be stable
-Atomic Number
-Chemical Symbol
-6 types of Quarks
¤Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Charm, Strange
-Chart of relative sizes (see parts of the atom)
-We can only see about 41% of the universe
Chemical Balancing
-Start with the smallest chemical
¤Think: CHO
-Contact forces
-At a Distance Forces
-4 Forces of Nature
-Newton's 3 Forces
- F=ma
~ Change in Distance/Change in Time or Delta d over Delta t
~Change in Velocity/Change in Time or Delta v over Delta t
¤Measured in Neutons
-Speed=positive momentum/motion
¤ 3 ways to Accelerate:
~Change Direction
~ "Speed up" acceleration
~ "Slow down" = deceleration -acceleration (when you go around the corner of a track you accelerate)
~1 Horsepower= 764w
Solutions & MIxtures
Intro to Bonding/Earth Metal Characteristics
History of Science
-Olmec (1400BCE-400BCE)
-Baghdad Battery
-Xian Jiang (1031CE-1095CE)
-Peter Peregrinus (1200'sCE)
-Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1573CE)
-William Gilbert (1544-1576CE)
-Thomas Browne (1627-1691CE)
-Robert Boyle (1627-1691CE)
-Leyden/Leiden Jar (1700CE)
-Benjamin Franklin (1752CE)
-Aepinus (1724-1802CE)
-Volta (1745-1827CE)
-Has Christian Oersted (1777-1851CE)
-Ampere (1775-1836CE)
-Ohm's Law (1827CE)
-Michael Faraday (1791-1867CE)
-James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879CE) [Einstein's hero]
-Mendeleev (1868)
¤1969=Gatorade invented-->Clemson switches to white jerseys for home games (1968 or '69) [this is because they discover that the white shirts reflect more of the sun's heat]
Waves= particle or duality of matter and energy
¤Transverse Wave
¤Longitudinal Waves/Compressional
-Parts of the Wave
-Newton vs. Hook
¤Newton believed light was particles, Hook believed it was waves
~Light is composed of particles AND waves
¤Slit Light Experiment
-Resonance= When the amplitude of a wave increases because another frequency or wave has
¤Think: Harmony
- 3 Ways waves interact
¤ Reflection
- 4 Properties of Waves
-High and Low wavelengths
-Light can not travel without medium
¤Light is electro magnetic energy
-Intensity=how much energy or brightness (a.k.a. amplitude)
-Frequency= color- perceived by humans as the color of light (a.k.a. wavelength)
-Polarization= angle of vibration (angle of the light hits you) which is not perceptible by humans under ordinary circumstances
-Travels with a medium
¤Sound is mechanical energy
-Messed up magnetic fields
-May have diamond seas
¤ Could have diamond icebergs
¤ May have "water" cycles like that of Earth
-Air pressure=11 million times earth
¤ 10% Carbon make-up
¤ 50 thousand degrees Centigrade
Black Holes
-Schwarzschild radius
-Cosmological Geometry
¤Time and Space are warped as if on a twisted graph
¤ Cabai Yau Manifold
- 3 dementions
-Primordial Objects
-Big Bang, Big Crunch, Big Chill
-Drake's Equation
-"All of our science against rarity is primitive and childlike and yet it is the most precious thing we have."
-"There is nothing new to do in Physics now, all that remains is more precise measurement…"
-Columb's Law= K[(Qa*Qb)/r^2]
¤Centigrade- (created in?) 1940
¤Lord Kelvin
~Freezing point=273K
~Boiling= 373 K
~Absolute Zero= -273
-Ohm's Law= Volts=IR or Volts=Ampere/Current times Resistance
¤Think: Light switch
-Induction, friction, and conduction
-Electric force= attraction or repulsion between electronically charged particles
-Electric Fields
¤Inverse Square Law
-Voltage= difference in electrical potential
-Current= rate of electrons through a given point
-Resistance= measure of the change of flow of electrons
¤Measured in Omegas
Work done this year
-Balloon Cars
-Lesson Plan/Teaching
¤"Quiz" results
-Song Remix
-Camera into Space
-Google Science Fair Project
Nuclear Fission Basics
-Enrico Ferming
-Slow Neutrons
-Bonging and Repelling Forces
-Little Boy
-Deep Thought Questions
The Ear
-Labeled Diagram
Periodic Table basics