Saturday, August 28, 2010

Extra Credit.... Hg, the awesomest element

On average there are,

Protons: 80

Neutrons: 121

electrons: 80

in a mercury atom.

Now here is the way I determined this:

Protons= atomic number

Electrons= atomic number

Neutrons (neutral charge)= rounded atomic mass - atomic number

Note that protons give off positive charge, while electrons give off negative, so there are (correct me if I'm wrong) normally equal counts of each.

So the atomic number is 80, and the atomic mass is 200.59.

201-80=121 =) all done!


  1. Fantastic... Mercury is definitely a fascinating element that seems to defy many of the rules of the periodic table but ends up showing it's flexibility.

    It also has a really interesting history.

    We do a fun experiment with the stuff in a couple of weeks that I think you all will enjoy.

    In the meantime, great job!

    Happy Weekending-
    Mr H

  2. Thanks Mr. Harrelson! I've always found Mercury fasinating...
