Saturday, March 26, 2011

Touchdown in CA

We are officially in California!!!! I'm really excited as one could guess. While up in the air I took a video when we flew over the grand canyon. It was great- a photographsr's dream, even though it didn't exactly look like the grand canyon from 10,000+feet. Now we are goin' down the highway from San Diego to Encintias where my grandma lives.

Oh and in case Ms. Westnestki ever reads this: I've stayed true to my word of speaking Spanish over break- just a few minutes ago I wished our bus driver a good day (formally in Spanish) and he got very enthusiastic about having a Spanish speaking passenger. I have to admit two things though:
1) it took a lot of courage to talk to him fir fear of saying something wrong
2) once I started talking to him in Spanish quite a few other customers meekly thanked him in Spanish as well.
I'm pretty sure I made his day. :)

1 comment:

  1. The pic didn't make it!

    Glad to hear you made it safely, though.

    Have a great break!

    Mr H
